Opel GT Headlight Mechanism Repair Kit
Restoration set for the swivel mechanism
New 2025 set: Now even more comprehensive!
Wobbly or slanted headlight housings, a stiff, clunky swivel...or even the complete failure of the swivel mechanism.
Unfortunately, many swivel mechanisms are now completely worn out. New parts are not available and really good used ones are a lucky find.
We are offering our GT friends a brand new, comprehensive set for the professional repair of the swivel mechanism.
Includes the main wear parts such as the central toothed axle and the toothed bracket for the drive.
In the 2025 version, the many small parts are now also included in the scope of delivery to put the mechanism back together afterwards.
All made of stainless steel and manufactured in Germany!
With this set, you are now able to make a refurbished swivel mechanism from your old parts.
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